Publications & Documents

On July 10, 2012, the Council of the District of Columbia took final and emergency action to unanimously approve the proposed “Walter Reed Army Medical Center Base Realignment and Closure Homeless Assistance Approval Act of 2012” which was submitted to the Council on March 19, 2012. Passage of this legislation enabled the Walter Reed Local Redevelopment Authority team to submit the federally-mandated Homeless Assistance Submission to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development for their review. The Submission included the Reuse Plan for the Former Walter Reed Army Medical Center, legally binding agreements with homeless assistance providers, and other supporting documentation.

The attached presentation in support of the legislation was presented to Council of the District of Columbia’s Committee of the Whole on June 14, 2012 by the Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development and the Walter Reed Local Redevelopment Director.

DC Council Hearing Presentation – June 14, 2012